Author: paul
Helping Charlie Tell NASA’s Story
NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden talking to the Kids with the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program SSEP and the folks from NASA Social before the launch of Orb 2 from NASA Wallops, VA
Michael Stonebraker Straight Talk
Wisdom from the Father of Modern Relational Databases. Co-Founder of VoltDB, HP Vertica, Postgres/Ingres, Tamr and many other databases, Dr. Michael Stonebraker.
Amorphic Framework
Sam Elsamman came to the NYC HTML5 MeetUp and talked about Amorphic a front to back isomorphic framework for developing applications with node.js and mongoDB
D3 in Ember.js
Diablo III has it’s heroes and D3 a library for data visualization in Ember.js has Heyjin Kim. I was lucky to find her at the NYC HTML5 Meetup. Heyjin’s Slides
Get, Analyze, and Store Data in Python
Eric Schles uses python to get data and to learn more about it. He brought his code and enthusiasm to the BiggApps NYC Hackathon.
Mobile UX Design Essentials
Mina Kim, Director of User Experience at Adjacent to One was at BigApps NYC to lend a hand and talk about her passion, UX