Author: paul
Personal Robots
Cute Robots are an obsession for Intel future guy Brian David Johnson At the Make Hardware Innovation Workshop
Robert Scoble
At the Make Hardware Innovation Workshop Robert Scoble talked about our age of context
Christine Furstoss
Christine Furstoss, global technology director — manufacturing & materials technologies, GE Global Research Center spoke at the Make Hardware Innovation Workshop in NYC
Bre Pettis
Bre Pettis spoke at the Maker Hardware Innovation Workshop in NYC about his MakerBot
Intel Futurist Group
At IDF in San Francisco Intel rolled-out their Futurist show, with Steve Brown, Peter Biddle, Brian David Johnson, Dr. Jennifer Healey, Dr. Tony Salvador and Mike Payne
Intel Fellows Live 2013
Steve Pawlowski , Intel Senior Fellow, CTO, Datacenter and Connected Systems Group, is the moderator. Mark Doran, Chief Platform Software Architect, System Software Division Ticky Thakker, Director, Platform Architecture – Smartphone and Tablet Hong Jiang, Chief Media Architect and Director, Visual and Parallel Computing Group Media Architecture Team Belli Kuttanna, Chief Architect, Intel Atom Link…